Nonprofit Advisory Services
Your Mission Comes First
Why It's Important for Non-Profits to Choose a Trusted Financial Partner
As the stewards of a nonprofit organization, choosing a financial partner is one of the most important decisions you will make. At Commerce Trust, we recognize the unique and diverse investment challenges endowments, foundations, and nonprofits face.
We are proud to serve more than 270 nonprofit clients across the Midwest, including hospitals and healthcare providers, religious organizations, institutions of higher education, primary and secondary schools, health and human service organizations, community foundations, and other types of public charities. With a suite of financial solutions to support all types of nonprofit organizations, rest assured you will have access to the tools and insight necessary to preserve your long-term mission.
For endowments and foundations, our institutional team will help you preserve and grow your nonprofit investment assets as your Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO). We can partner with your board, serving as a trusted resource to help as you navigate the complex and changing investment environment, balance risk and return, and follow a prudent course as you steward the resources entrusted to you by your donors and serve your mission.1

1Commerce Trust is not a registered municipal advisor under Section 15B of the Securities Exchange Act and does not offer advice or recommendations concerning bond proceeds or other municipal advice subject to this section.
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