How to Sell a Business
Likely you already know many of the options available to you. But regardless of how you decide to approach the sale, it doesn’t happen overnight — the process can be quite lengthy and complicated. This is why we urge you to contact Commerce Trust today. Our team of financial professionals– along with your tax, legal, and estate planning counsel — can help you explore a variety of choices and assist with making educated decisions based on your goals and unique financial situation. Hopefully these articles provide insight for your journey.

Related Articles
These four articles may provide further insight as you consider your many options:

Are You Ready to Sell Your Company?
By: Anthony Nydegger, CEPA®, Closely Held Business Advisor
The decisions you make during the sale of your company will affect your family for generations, your employees, and your community.

How to Perform a Valuation
By: Diane Steinkamp, Privately Held Investment Manager
Accurately valuing your business ensures you will get the best sale price as a reward for your hard work, commitment, and determination.

Exit Strategies for Transitioning Your Business
By: Anthony Nydegger, CEPA®, Closely Held Business Advisor
If you own a business, it is always important to think down the road – to have an end game in mind.
The Benefits of Using a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)
By: Brynne C. Brown, J.D., LL.M., M.B.A., Trust Attorney
What if you could sell your business in a way that provides an income stream for you or a loved one, but also defers capital gain tax, and benefits your favorite charities?
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The opinions and other information in the commentary are provided as of August 30, 2023. This summary is intended to provide general information only, and may be of value to the reader and audience. This material is not a recommendation of any particular investment or insurance strategy, is not based on any particular financial situation or need, and is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified tax advisor or investment professional.